Indian Development Foundation expresses sincere gratitude to all the schoolteams for supporting IDF's leprosy/ TB and education programmes.
Mr. S. Sreeram, Zonal Officer IDF and Mr. K. Sathyamurthy, Development Executive, IDF did the honors for various social supporting schools on 19th Nov. 2010.
Mrs. Aruna Karthikeyan, Principal of the school receives IDF Certificate of Appreciation.
Mr. P. Pappuraj, Correspondent of the school receives IDF Certificate of Appreciation.
Seetha Kingston House Mat. Hr. Sec. School, Kilpauk, Chennai.

Ms. S. Nirmala Gowri, Principal of the school is seen with the social soldiers.
CES Middle School, Chrompet, Chennai.
Ms. S. Meena, Headmistress of the School and her team receives IDF Certificate of Appreciation.
Ms. Sujaritharaja Kumar, Asst.Headmistress and her team receives IDF Certificate of Appreciation

Ms. S. Meena, Headmistress of the School and her team receives IDF Certificate of Appreciation.
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