Kid organises computers for tribals
16 Jan 2008, 0152 hrs IST, S NANDAGOPAL,TNN

BANGALORE: Tribal children at the Empowerment School in BR Hills have reason to be excited. Thanks to 8-year-old Karan Dravid, these children will now enter the world of computers.
The wonder-kid, who has been teaching these children English, will take on the role of a computer instructor as well. Karan's dream of teaching computers to these underprivileged kids has been realized, with HP agreeing to sponsor 30 computers through the Sankya project of Rotary Club, Bangalore South.
Karan, who is the ambassador for a Mumbai-based NGO, Indian Development Foundation (IDF), appealed for donations to private schools through a recent article in The Times of India.
Soon after, individuals from various quarters sent a flurry of e-mails promising to donate a machine or two. Karan has received four computers. He intends to donate these to IDF Empowerment Schools. "I am excited at the response I have been getting from people and companies. All these uncles are so nice. They want to help poor children," Karan remarked.
With Karan leading a campaign to provide computer education to tribal children, IDF has aptly called the project ‘Karan Programme 2k8'. Under the project, computers will be distributed to schools funded by IDF all over the country, according to IDF national coordinator Narayan B Iyer.
"It is a great effort by a small child to convince people to support a noble cause. Karan is a role model for the young kids who are, at their age, unaware of things like poverty or hunger," Narayan remarked. He said the Rotary club has delivered 17 computers, which will be distributed to 13 schools in Karnataka. Efforts are on to woo other corporates so that computers can be donated to schools outside the state, he added.
Karan, a Class III student of MEG Central School, was recently invited to Podar International School in Mumbai and Tagore International School, Jaipur, as their guest of honour on their Annual Day functions. He also spoke to students of Mumbai Law College of his dream to wipe out poverty.
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