Indian Development Foundation launched its 37th Bal Gurukul in Bangalore.
Carmel Bal Gurukul was inaugurated in a simple and meaningful event on 5th July at the premises of St. Antony's Primary School, Jayanagar, Bangalore. Sr. Jyothsana, the Headmistress of the school, welcomed the students and guests. Dr. Franklin talked about IDF and its mission of empowering children from poor needy children. Sr. Lisetta, Mother Superior of the convent said the Bal Gurukul was a golden opportunity for the students to study well and come up well in life. Sr. Caroline, Secretary of Carmel Vidya Varthaka Sangha appreciated IDF for the wonderful initiative. Sweets and refreshments were distributed to share happiness. Forty most backwards students had been selected for Carmel Bal Gurukul. Dr. S. Franklin and Mr. Samuel Vincent from IDF congratulated the students for getting a Bal Gurukul for their empowerment and development.Indian Development Foundation has been establishing Bal Gurukuls in different parts of India to provide edcuation to those who need the most. Bal Gurukuls are a great boon for the children which helps in their empowerment and development. Carmel Bal Gurukul is the 37th Bal Gurukul of IDF.
excellent, i guess narayan sir, we'll get a hundred mark soon