Monday, November 12, 2007

I am Stopping TB

WHO's Stop TB Partnership announces World TB Day Theme

Cape Town (PTI): A global campaign with the slogan 'I am Stopping TB' aimed at challenging people all over the world to participate in the anti-tuberculosis programmes has been announced by the World Health Organisation's Stop TB Partnership. The campaign will be launched early in 2008 in the run-up to World TB Day.

Plans for the campaign were announced by Stop TB Ambassador Anna Cataldi at the opening ceremony of the World Conference of the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease here on Friday evening. World TB Day is held each year on March 24. "The slogan 'I am Stopping TB' says that everyone can take an active role in helping all people in need gain access to accurate TB diagnosis and effective treatment," Cataldi said.

"The challenge we are putting to people across the world is, 'What are you doing to stop TB?' Please join us in the fight," said Dr Marcos Espinal, Executive Secretary of the Stop TB Partnership. There are nearly nine million new cases of TB worldwide and the disease kills more than 1.5 million people every year.

The Stop TB Partnership is a network of more than 500 international organisations hosted by the WHO and is based in Geneva, Switzerland.

courtesy : The Hindu, 10/11/07 -

IDF is a partner of the
Stop TB Partnership

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