Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Leadership in action

Leadership talk to the NSS volunteers of Royal College at Mira Road. Grateful thanks to CA Shanker Viswanath for conducting the session. Students will help IDF in SLP and Mission W2k. 

Monday, September 25, 2017

Public Speaking Class..

Dr. ARK Pillai is again on the move imparting public speaking skills... Students from JM Patel College Goregaon getting trained at IDF.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

IDF SLP is indeed a boon and a blessing.

Absolute joy of giving at Anjuman Islam School, Mumbai Central. Grateful thanks and Salutations to all the Mentors - Jaishri KimmatkarAshwini KapileshwariAmarja NafreyMallika Ramchandran - for creating student leaders through project IDF SLP. (23-09-2017)
Those desirous of joining hands with IDF and creating student leaders in India may write to idfslp@gmail.com -
idfindia@gmail.com - www.idf.org.in/idf-slp.html

Bombay Leprosy Project @ 41

Indian Development Foundation congratulate Team Bombay Leprosy Project (BLP) for rendering excellent service towards treatment, rehabilitation, care and welfare of leprosy affected people in Mumbai and neighbouring districts for 41 years. Salutations to Dr. Vivek Vasudev Pai, Director of BLP and his entire team for the excellent humanitarian work. (23-09-2017)
Proud to be part of BLP.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Goodness Message...

Grateful thanks to Team Ramniwas Bajaj English High School for providing excellent platform to Vimala Centre angels at the RBHS Navratri 2017 gathering. Thanks to the PTA Team for sponsoring Diwali dress for all the 85 girls of the centre. Gratitude n Salutations... Jai ho !!! (22-09-2017)